Case 8: A 66-Year-Old Man with Severe Chest Pain
A 66-year-old man was attending a play in a downtown theater when he developed severe anterior chest pain. His wife accompanied him to the emergency department of a nearby hospital, where this ECG is recorded 25 minutes after onset of his symptoms:
- Sinus rhythm, 69/min
- ST elevation with tall positive T waves in V2-V5 (hyperacute T waves)
- Acute anterior myocardial infarction
The patient was taken to cardiac catheterization laboratory. Coronary angiography demonstrated a total occlusion in the mid-segment of the left anterior coronary artery. Thrombectomy was successfully carried out and a bare metal stent was inserted. This ECG is recorded when the patient was admitted to the CCU after the procedure:
- Sinus rhythm, 66/min
- QRS changes of septal infarction
Compared with ECG 1, in V1-V3 the ST elevation and T wave voltage have markedly decreased.
This ECG is recorded 24 hours after ECG 2. The condition of the patient is stable and very satisfactory:
- Sinus rhythm, 63/min
- Septal myocardial infarction.
- 1 mm ST elevation in V1-V3, negative T waves in V1-V6
ECG ID: E727